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    План-конспект урока английского языка
Дата 08.02.2013
Класс 10
Учитель Беляева Ольга Александровна
Триединая цель урока:
Развивающая составляющая:
развитие навыков логичности в построении иноязычных высказываний в ходе решения речевых задач;
совершенствование умения строить высказывания различных типов: сообщение, описание, согласие, несогласие.
Образовательная составляющая:
обобщить материал по теме «Технологии»;
повторить изученную лексику;
совершенствовать навыки монологической речи;
совершенствовать навыки аудирования с выделением выборочной информации.
Воспитательная составляющая: совершенствовать умение работать в коллективе: внимательно слушать собеседника, вежливо реагировать на просьбы и вопросы собеседника, вступать в общение.
Задачи урока:
активизировать лексику и лексико-грамматические конструкции;
совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по теме.
Применяемая технология: развития критического мышления.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент: приветствие
T: Goodmorning, girls! I’m glad to see you again. Sit down, please. You’ve come here to practice listening and speaking English, so I ask you to be active, bright and emotional.
2. Мотивационный этап (СТАДИЯ ВЫЗОВА):
а) угадываниетемы
T: In order to know our today’s theme you should do the next task: I will tell the words in Russian, you should translate them into English in your mind and write down only the first letters of all these words. Only then you will be able to read and know our theme.
1.телефон (t)
2.оборудование (e)
3.компьютер (с)
4.вертолет (h)
5.ядерная энергия (n)
6.обыкновенный (о)
7.портативный компьютер (l)
8.наблюдать (о)
9.гаджет (g)
10.молодой (y)
T: So, what are we going to speak about today? … Right! Today we are to revise the material and reflect on how new technologies influence our life. And what would you like to know at our lesson?
б) «Интервью»
T: But first of all let’s get more information connected with our topic. Let’s work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is a reporter. You should ask your partner about different inventions and famous inventors. (учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы)
в) выполнение тестовых заданий
T: Thanks for your question and answers. But now let’s summarize all the information you learnt at the previous lessons. I will ask you to do the following test about inventors and inventions.
3.(СТАДИЯ ОСМЫСЛЕНИЯ): методика ассоциаций «кластер»
T: We live in the era of science and hi-fi technologies. Modern technology is rapidly spreading over the Earth. Scientists, researches, engineers and designers are eager to improve living standards of the industrially advanced countries. One can hardly imagine our present life without such gadgets as air conditioners or vacuum cleaners, computers or fridges, telephones or electricity.
So, let’s take the word “technology” and working in pairs create 5 associations.
T: Thank you for your expressions. At the end of the lesson you will use them to make cinquains.
4. (СТАДИЯ РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЯ) :а) аудирование
T: At the previous lesson we spoke a lot about different inventions, discoveries, gadgets and their role in our modern life. But today I want to draw your attention to TV and its influence on people.
As you know television nowadays, its role and responsibility are being widely discussed as it has really become one of the important mass media.
So I will ask you to listen to the following text and then be ready to do some training exercises.
б) выполнение упражнений по прослушанному тексту
1. What part of your life does television take?
2. What programmes do you watch? For what purpose?
3. Do you approve of the large member of American films on
TV? What kind of them do you watch: action (police) films,
thrillers, westerns, melodramas or comedies?
4. Is advertising on TV of any use to people?
5. Does television do any harm to you? If yes, in what?
6. What will you do tonight if your TV set is out of order?
say if the sentences are true or false:
1. People’s tastes are influenced by television.
2. Many centuries ago people didn’t know what to do in their
spare time.
3. Nowadays people read more books instead of watching television.
4. To a great degree people’s free time is regulated by television.
5. You can get a lot of pleasure in many other ways than
watching television.
6. There are lots of channels that offer all kinds of programmes.
7. The best technological achievement is HDTV.
8. The possibilities of broadcasting are unlimited.
say which of these issues mentioned in the text you agree to and which of them in your opinion are wrong. Give reasons and examples:
1. Television is one of the most powerful inventions of alltime.
2. Television is a wonderful tool of education, information and
entertainment. 3. Many people can’t imagine life without television in the corner of the living room.
4. Nowadays people talk to each other less often than in the past.
5. Television encourages passive enjoyment.
6. Television industry has made much progress.
в) Работа с текстом: метод “Insert”
T: Now I’ll hand out texts about television and ask you to work with it with the Insert Method. I hope your reading will be really effective. If you don’t remember, look at the blackboard.
V- if you know this fact
+- if it is new information for you
?- if smth is not clear, you have questions
T: Let’s begin with the firs column.
- What was familiar to you? (1st column)
- What was new for you? (2nd column)
- What was not clear to you? (3rd column)
T: Ok, students, you’ve managed doing this task. I’m pleased with you.
Т: It’s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection. We have discussed much today. Did you like our lesson? I wonder what feelings and thoughts you’ve got now. Please, express your opinion in cinquains.
1. Noun
2. Adjectives
4. A sentence
5. Aword
5.Заключительный этап:) задание на дом
Т: Open your record-books and write down your hometask for the next lesson. You will have a choice. The 1st: you should read the text again and be ready with questions. Don’t forget to use “chamomile with thick and thin questions”. Try to ask as many questions as possible. The 2nd: you should find the necessary information about any invention you consider to be the most important nowadays and tell us about it. You should use your “chamomile”, too.
б) рефлексия
Т: So, I want you to remember your work during the lesson and choose the petals of our “lesson flower”.
в) завершение урока
Т: Dear students, I’m grateful to you for the lesson. You’ve worked hard and I will give you only good and excellent marks.
The lesson is over, good-bye!
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