страница 1 | страница 2 страница 3 Ресурсы Интернет (World Wide Web):
ООН: http://www.un.org
Документы ООН: http://www.un.org
Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе: http://www.osce.org
Совет Европы: http://www.coe.int
Управление Верхового комиссара по правам человека ООН: http://www.unhcr.ch
ЮНЕСКО: http://portal.unesco.org
Международные судебные учреждения (неофициальный сайт): www.pict-pcti.org
Международный суд ООН: www.icj-cij.org
База данных Европейского суда по правам человека: www.hudoc.echr.coe.int
Нормативные правовые акты
Международные акты о правах человека: Сб. документов, Сост. В. А. Карташкин, Е. А. Лукашева. 2-е изд. М., 2002,
Дискриминация вне закона: Сб. документов, Под ред. Проф. А. Я. Капустина, М., Юристъ, 2003,
Права человека: Сборник международных документов, Составитель Н. Шестаков, М., 1990,
Human Rights: A Compilation of International Treaties, United Nations, 1993,
The Struggle against Discrimination, A Collection of International Instruments Adopted by the United Nations Systems, 1999
Основная литература
Общая теория прав человека, По ред. Е. А. Лукашевой, М., 1996,
Права человека: Учебник, Под ред. Е. А. Лукашевой, М., 2000,
Воеводин Л. Н., Юридический статус личности в РФ, М., 1997,
Капицын В. М., Права человека и механизмы их защиты, Учебное пособие, М., 2003,
Международное право, ДА МИД РФ, МГИМО МИД РФ, 1998,
Ведение в права человека, Норвежский Хельсинский Комитет по правам человека, Осло, 2003,
United to Combat Racism, Selected articles and standard-setting instrument, UNESCO, 2001,
Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights, Including Reporting Obligations under International Instruments on Human Rights, Note by the Secretariat, General Assembly, 5 September 2003, A/58/350,
Review of Recent Developments Relating to the Work of Treaty Bodies, Report of the Secretariat, HRI/MC/2003/2, 3 June 2003,
А. Eide et al. (eds.), The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary, 1992,
P. Alston (ed.), The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, 1992;
H. Hannum (ed.), Guide to International Human Rights Practice, 1992,
J. Merrills, International Dispute Settlement, Cambridge, 1998,
P. Sands, R. Mackenzie & Y Shany, Manual of International Courts and Tribunals, 1999,
J. Collier & V. Lowe, The Settlement of Disputes in International Law, 1999,
G. Guillaume, La Cour internationale de Justice et les droits de l’homme, Revue Droits Fondamentaux, N 1, juillet-décembre 2001,
Th. Burgenthal, International Human Rights in a Nutshell, 1995,
R. Wolfrum, The Prohibition of racial discrimination in international law, The Implementation of International Standards on Prevention and Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Achievements and Challenges, UNESCO, 1999,
Дополнительная литература
M. de Salvia, Compendium de la CEDH, 1998,
V. Berger, Jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme, 6e éd., 1998,
P. Kempees, A Systematic Guide to the Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights, 3 Volumes, 1996-1999,
R. A. Lawson, H. G. Schermers, Leading Cases of the European Convention of Human Rights, 1997,
M. W. Janis, R. S. Kay, A. W. Bradley, European Human Rights, Texts and Materials, 1998,
L. J. Clemens, N. Mole, A. Simmers, European Human Rights. Taking a Case under the Convention. Second Ed., 1999,
The Birth of European Human Rights Law: Liber Amicorum Carl Aage Norgaard, Michele de Salvia/Mark E. Villiger (eds.), 1998,
Mélanges en Hommage à Louis-Edmond Pettiti, 1995,
The European System for the Protection of Human Rights, R. St. J. Macdonald, F. Matscher, H. Petzold (Eds.), 1999,
La Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme. Commentaire article par article, Louis-Edmond Pettiti, Emmanuel Decaux, Pierre-Henri Imbert (dir.), 1995,
J. A. Frowein, W. Peukert, Europäische MenschenRechtsKonvention, EMRK-Kommentar, 2. Auf., 1996,
Lippott, J., The Commonwealth of independent States as an economic and legal community. German Yearbook of International Law = Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht; 1996. v. 39, p. 334-360 1997,
The Legal and Institutional System of Regional Cooperation in the Post-Soviet Space: Fictions and Realities, Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe, (Den Bosch, Niederlande),1998,
Macdonald, R. St. J., The entry of new member states into the Council of Europe. Luncheon address. American (The) Society of International Law, Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting, 9.-12.4.1997, p. 523-529, Washington: A.S.I.L., 1997,
Leuprecht, P., Innovations in the European system of human rights protection: is enlargement compatible with reinforcement? Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Journal of the University of Iowa, College of Law Vol. 3, no. 2, p. 313-336, 1998,
Bowring, B., Russia's accession to the Council of Europe and human rights: Compliance or cross-purposes? European Human Rights Law Review; Issue 6 (1997); p. 628-643,
Bowring, B., Russia's accession to the Council of Europe and human rights, four years on, European Human Rights Law Review; Issue 4 (2000), p. 362-379
Юриспруденция Международного суда ООН
Synopsis of ICJ Advisory Opinion of the Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons, 1996,
Case Concerning East Timor (Portugal v. Australia) 1995 ICJ Rep. 13,
US Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Teheran (United States v. Iran) 1980 ICJ Rep 93 and 84,
Nuclear tests Case (Australia v. France, New Zeeland v. France) 1974 ICJ Rep. 56-57,
Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970-1971) 1970 ICJ Rep. 19-41,
Legality of the Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium) 1999 ICJ Rep.,
Case concerning Gabcikovo-Nagymaros (Hungary v. Slovakia) 1997 ICJ Rep 125,
Юриспруденция Европейского суда по правам человека
RASMUSSEN v. DENMARK 00008777/79 28/11/1984 § 29,
NATIONAL UNION OF BELGIAN POLICE v. BELGIUM 00004464/70 27/10/1975 § 44,
AIREY v. IRELAND 00006289/73 09/10/1979 § 30,
MARCKX v. BELGIUM 00006833/74 13/06/1979 § 32,
CASE "RELATING TO CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE LAWS ON THE USE OF LANGUAGES IN EDUCATION IN BELGIUM" v. BELGIUM (MERITS) 00001474/62; 00001677/62; 00001691/62; 00001769/63; 00001994/63; 00002126/64 23/07/1968 §§ 8,
JAMES AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM 00008793/79 21/02/1986 § 74,
CAMP AND BOURIMI v. THE NETHERLANDS 00028369/95 03/10/2000 §§ 34,
MOUSTAQUIM v. BELGIUM 00012313/86 18/02/1991 § 49,
KARLHEINZ SCHMIDT v. GERMANY 00013580/88 18/07/1994 § 28,
ABDULAZIZ, CABALES AND BALKANDALI v. THE UNITED KINGDOM 00009214/80; 00009473/81; 00009474/81 28/05/1985 § 84,
STUBBINGS AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM 00022083/93; 00022095/93 22/10/1996 § 72,
ENGEL AND OTHERS v. THE NETHERLANDS 00005100/71; 00005101/71; 0005102/71; 00005354/72; 00005370/72 08/06/1976 § 72,
VAN RAALTE v. THE NETHERLANDS 00020060/92 21/02/1997 § 42,
LITHGOW AND OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM 00009006/80; 00009262/81; 00009263/81; 00009265/81; 00009266/81; 00009313/81; 00009405/81 08/07/1986 § 177,
GAYGUSUZ v. AUSTRIA 00017371/90 16/09/1996 § 42,
DARBY v. SWEDEN 00011581/85 23/10/1990 §§ 33-34,
McMICHAEL v. THE UNITED KINGDOM 00016424/90 24/02/1995 § 97,
SAHIN v. GERMANY 00030943/96 11/10/2001 §§ 56, 57,
CAMP AND BOURIMI v. THE NETHERLANDS 00028369/95 03/10/2000 §§ 37, 38,
CHA'ARE SHALOM VE TSEDEK v. FRANCE 00027417/95 27/06/2000 §§ 72, 73, 87,
MAZUREK v. FRANCE 00034406/97 01/02/2000 §§ 48-52, 54,
Юриспруденция Международного уголовного трибунала по бывшей Югославии
Prosecutor v. Milomir Stakic, Judgement of 31 July 2003, ICTY, Case N IT-97-24-T,
Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstic, Judgement of 02 August 2001, ICTY, Case N IT-98-33-T,
Prosecutor v. Goran Jelisic, Judgement of 14 December 1999, ICTY, Case N IT-95-10-T,
Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Decision of 2 October 1995, ITCY, Case N IT-94-1-AR72
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