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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Павлодарский государственный университет

им. С. Торайгырова



Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Павлодарский государственный университет

им. С. Торайгырова

Гуманитарно-педагогический факультет
Кафедра практического курса иностранных языков

Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов специальности «Туризм»




УДК 881.111(075.8)

ББК 81. 2 Англ -9


Ркомендовано к изданию учебно-методическим советом гуманитарно-педагогического факультета Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова


Б. Т. Кульбаева – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Павлодарского государственного педагогическогот института;

М. С. Кулахметова – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры практического курса иностранных языков Павлодарского государственного университета им. С.Торайгырова.
Составитель: А. С. Сарсенбаева
С20 Английский язык : учебно-методическое пособие “Tourism” / сост. А. С. Сарсенбаева. – Павлодар : Кереку, 2012. – 50 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие “Tourism” по дисциплине «Английский язык» предназначено для студентов специальности «Туризм». Текст содержит аутентичные профессионально-ориентированные тексты, упражнения на расширение и закрепление словарного запаса по данной деятельности.

УДК 881.111(075.8)

ББК 81. 2 Англ-9

© Сарсенбаева А. С., 2012

© ПГУ им.С. Торайгырова, 2012
За достоверность материалов, грамматические и орфографические ошибки ответсвенность несут авторы и составители


Проректор по УР

ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова

_________Н. Э. Пфейфер

«____» _________ 2012г.

Составитель: А. С. Сарсенбаева

Кафедра парктического курса иностранных языков
Английский язык : учебно-методическое пособие "Tourism"

Утверждено на заседании кафедры «___» _________ 2012г.

Протокол №____

Заведующий кафедрой _________________ Б. К. Жумабекова

Одобрено учебно-методическим советом ГПФ «___» _____ 2012г. Протокол №____
Председатель УМС _______________ Е. Н. Жуманкулова


Декан ГПФ ______________ Ж. Т. Сарбалаев

«___» _____ 2012г.

Ответсвенный за перевод ___________А. С. Саренбаева

Начальник ОМК ______________ Г. С. Баяхметова

«___» _____ 2012г.


Начальник ОП и МОУП _____________ А. А. Варакута

«___» _____ 2012г.

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие «Tourism» предназначено для студентов специальности «5B090200 Туризм» с русским языком обучения ранее изучавших английский язык.

Цель учебно-методического пособия – расширение и закрепление словарного запаса по теме «Туризм».

Пособие состоит из профессионально-ориентированных текстов и упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков говорения, письма, расширения словарного запаса по теме «Туризм». Студентам предоставляются задания игрового характера, цель которых не только погружение в определенную ситуацию, активизация использования словарного запаса, но и повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Учебное-методическое пособие «Tourism» содержит в себе 8 уроков, разные виды упражнении, таблицы, рисунки, дополнительные тексты и материалы.

1 What is tourism?
1.1 Read the definitions to “tourism.” Do they have the same meaning? What is different?

a) tourism - NOUN [U] the business of providing and arranging holidays and services for people who are visiting a place.

b) tourism - NOUN [U] travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes;

c) tourism - NOUN [U] the business of providing services for people who are travelling for their holiday;

d) the business of providing things for people to do, places for them to stay etc while they are on holiday.
1.2 Now read two answers to the question “What is tourism?” Do you agree with the following quotations?

a) Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, and their activities during the stay at these destinations. (Tourism Society, UK, 1991)

b) This is the stuff that changed the word. Along with a handful of other things – television, sex, and the computer – the ability to travel the world freely sets those who live in the late 20th century (and early 21st century) apart from those who lived before it. (Michael Elliot, “The Pleasure Principle”, The Economist, London, 1991).
1.3 Before reading the text discuss these statements with a partner. Write T (true) or F (false)

1) One in fifty of all workers is employed in tourism related industries.

2) The number of international tourism arrivals will more than double between 2004 and 2020.

3) Tourists often worry about international security.

4) Tourism has only had a good influence on the modern world.
1.4 Read the article to check your answers
Tourism today: facts and challenges
Tourism is one of the biggest businesses in the world. There are nearly 800 million international tourist arrivals every year. It employs, directly or indirectly, one in fifteen of all workers worldwide, from A to Z, from airport cleaners to zookeepers, and includes bar staff, flight attendants, tour guides, and resort reps. It is a huge part of the economy of many countries – in countries such as the Bahamas, over 60 % of the economy is based on tourism.

Tourism is a fast - growing business. When Thomas Cook organized his first excursion from Leicester to Loughborough in 1841, he probably didn’t know what he was starting. Key developments in the last 150 years or so have led to the rise of mass tourism. There have been technological developments in transport, in particular the appearance of air travel and charter flights. There have been changes in working practices, with workers getting paid holiday time and working shorter and more flexible hours.

In recent years we have seen the growth of the Internet and globalization making the world seem a smaller but very fascinating place. The tourism industry grows faster and faster each year. In 1950, there were 25 million international tourists’ arrivals. In 2004, the figure was 760 million, and by 2020 it is predicted to be 1.6 billion.

But what are the challenges today? The tourism industry is affected by many different things: international events, economic change, changes in fashion. New concerns and worries appear every year, for example as people become more worried about security and international terrorism or as the value of their currency changes. But new destinations and new sources of tourists also seem to emerge every year.

Tourism survives. It is a powerful and sometimes dangerous force in the modern world. Tourism creates many good jobs and careers, but it also produces many poor and badly paid jobs. Tourism can help to protect environments and animal life, but it can also damage them. Tourism can save cultures and the local way of life, but it can also change them for the worse.

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. It is perhaps also the most important.

1.5 In pairs, answer and discuss these questions.

1 What do these numbers in paragraphs 2 and 3 refer to?

a) 1841;

b) 25 million;

c) 760 million;

d) 1.6 billion.

2 What are the four positive and four negative effects of tourism mentioned in the article?

3 Which of the key developments in tourism do you think were the most important?

4 Can you think of some recent international events that have affected the tourism industry?
1.6 Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases

Employ, include, a huge part of, be based on, key development, lead to the rise of, the appearance of, flexible hours, fascinating place, predict, affect, event, currency, destination, emerge, produce, damage, way of life, perhaps.

1.7 Make up the sentences with the following words and phrases using tenses.

For example, For the last 3 years tourism has been producing a great number of jobs.
1.8 Speaking

Divide into two groups. One group defends the advantages of tourism, the second one - disadvantages. Make some arguments to support your idea.

1.9 Write an opinion essay on the topic: “Tourism: the biggest business in the world” (200 words).
2 I work in tourism industry
2.1 Vocabulary

Jobs in tourism industry






tour guide

travel agent

resort rep

hotel manager


flight attendant



airline check-in clerk

tourist information officer

2.1.1 Look at the list above. Tell what these people do. For example, pilot is the person who …

2.1.2 Put the jobs into categories, for example, travel jobs, hotel jobs. What other tourism jobs do you know?

2.1.3 What do you think is the best job in tourism?

2.2 What is your idea of a good job? Put the following ideas in order of importance. Discuss your choices with your partner

A chance to travel

A good salary

Company car

Flexible working hours

Friendly colleagues

Free accommodation

Free medical insurance

Holiday bonus

Job stability

Luncheon vouchers

Long holidays

Opportunity to meet people

Pension plan

Responsibility for other staff


2.3 Describing a job

All the following sentences could be used to describe jobs. Mark each sentence as follows:

(+) if you think it describes a positive aspect to a job;

(-) if you think it describes a negative aspect to a job;

(?) if it could be either positive or negative.
- It’s well paid;

- It’s badly-paid;

- It’s challenging;

- It’s stressful;

- It’s hard work physically;

- You work long hours;

- You have to work shifts;

- You need to be talented;

- You need special training and qualifications;

- You need good people/interpersonal skills;

- There’s a lot of job satisfaction;

- There’s a lot of variety;

- There’s a lot of responsibility;

- There are a lot of opportunities.

2.4 Reading

Read the job advertisement. Which job do you find the most/ least attractive? Give your reasons why

Conference Event Coordinator
Conference Consultants is a dynamic events management organization which provides creative, exciting and affordable solutions for conferences and exhibitions. We are currently looking for a hard-working person to join our staff.
The successful applicant will be responsible for organizing special events. This person will have excellent customer service and management skills and be prepared to work under pressure.
An excellent salary package and company car will be offered to the right candidate.

Night Auditor
This is a chance to become part of a well-established international five-star hotel.

We are looking for a Night Auditor for busy hotel front office. Reporting to the Front Office Manager, you will be skilled at supervising staff, handing guest queries and complaints. Maximizing room occupancy and producing the daily business figures.

You are well-presented and patient with a friendly, helpful personality. This position has unlimited potential and will suit someone looking at his/her career in the long term.

Travel Sales Consultant
Leading travel agency is seeking a travel sales consultant to sell holidays and other travel products
Good telephone, IT and numeracy skills are a must. The job involves booking package tours, making hotel reservations and arranging car hide as wells as designing individual holidays for the independent traveler. You will be caring, have an outgoing personality and be able to put others first.

Resort reps
If you enjoy being in foreign places but don’t like being on the move the whole time, then being a resorts representative is a great job for you. You will need to be enthusiastic, energetic, possess excellent communication skills and be good at dealing with emergencies and making decisions on your own. There is the opportunity to earn commission from selling excursions to boost your basic salary.

2.5 Read the advertising again. Which of the jobs:

1) involve selling?

2) requires management skills?

3) means working abroad?

4) offers extra financial benefits?

5)involves making arrangements?

6) needs excellent telephone skills?
2.6 What is a “skill”? Look at the examples of using this word and complete the sentences bellow.


Success in business depends on skilful management.

A highly-skilled chef can earn a lot of money.

Being a porter is a relatively unskilled job.

She is skilled at supervising staff

Dealing with difficult members of the public requires good communication skills.

1) Designing a good computer reservations system demands up-to-date ….

2) She’s done a large number of relatively … jobs. She’s been a chambermaid, a cleaner and a waitress.

3) He has to co-ordinate the work of several departments so he’s … at organizing schedules.

4) If you work in a call center it’s essential to have excellent ….

5) Conference interpreting is a … occupation.

Make up your own sentences.
2.7 Work in pairs and fill in the Table 1. Explain your choice.
Table 1






Flight attendant




Resort rep

Tour guide

Tour operator

Tourist information officer

Travel agent


2.8 Writing: CV and Cover letter

2.8.1 Read the CV and discuss it with a tutor.

Personal details

Michel Blanc

5 rue de la Liberation

76000 Rouen, France

e-mail: michel_blanc@yahoo.fr

25 years old


Education and qualifications

Baccalaureat (Equivalent of British `A` levels, specialising in economic subjects.)

BTS Tourisme (Two years` vocational training in Leisure and Tourism.)
Work Experience

Internship at the Ibis Hotel (Southampton) 62 bedrooms, three conference rooms.

Supervised the operation of the night shift, dealt with questions and complaints, implemented routine checks of the hotel, collected and compiled the daily business figures and entered statistics into a database to produce the daily reports.
Le Parc (Rouen) Assistant Manager of a three-star hotel (45 rooms, 26,000 covers p.a.). Responsible for customer care, staff supervision, sales promotion (accommodation, seminars, banquets) and accounting.
Professional Skills

Project management, sales, customer care and public relations, budgeting and forecasting.

Computer skills: MS Office, specialist management software (HOTIX, LOGHOREST, CALLSTAR)
Languages: English, Spanish, some German

Interests: Sailing, skiing, scuba diving
Name and address of referee

Mr Clark, Oasis Hotel, 26 Wharf Street, Southampton

2.8.2 A short cover letter should always accompany your CV. Organise the following advice into two categories, dos and dont`s.

- Type your letter of application;

- Use interesting coloured paper;

- Write at least two pages;

- Repeat what is already on your CV;

- Point out professional skills that you have acquired;

- Emphasise how you believe you meet the employer`s needs;

- Tell the employer that you will call in to discuss your application.

2.8.3 Use these phrases to complete the cover letter below.

a) I am confident

b) I am available

c) please find enclosed

d) I am writing with reference to

e) I look forward to hearing

f) I have experience of
Michel Blanc

5 rue de la


76000 Rouen, France

76000 Rouen, France

6th August
The Human Resources Officer

Global Tours

80 Campbell Street

London WC2 9AN

Dear Sir or Madam,
1) ........................................... the position of Night Auditor as advertised in The Guardian of 11 January.

2) .......................................... a copy of my CV outlining my background and qualifications for your consideration. As an Assistant Manager of a three-star hotel 3) ......................................... managing staff and dealing with guests.

I also have practical experience of increasing room occupancy and producing financial statistics. If given the opportunity 4) ........................ that I could make a valuable contribution to the running of the hotel.

5) ........................................... for interview at a time and place of your convenience.

I can be reached at the above postal and email addresses or on 0033 1 5543 7574. I appreciate your time and consideration and 6) ..................................... from you soon.
Yours faithfully,

Michel Blanc

Enclosures: CV and Photograph
2.8.4 In Supplementary materials read in Приложение В Activity 1 the job advertisement. Draft your own CV and cover letter, show it to a partner. Ask him or her to evaluate it using these check points.

- Does it look good?

- Does it list experience starting from the present?

- Is it too long / too short?

- Is the contact information clear?

- Does it provide a good basis for an interview?

3 Destinations: Where do tourists go?
3.1 When we look at the movement of tourists (or tourist flow), there are three types of tourism. Match the words below with their definitions


domestic tourism


People leaving their country to take holidays


inbound tourism


People taking holidays in their own country


outbound tourism


People entering the country from abroad to take holidays

3.2 Think about the following categories that make people visit the countries and give examples.

a) Town and cities

b) Natural attraction and features (e.g. beaches)

c) Historical and cultural attractions

d) Purpose-built attractions (e.g. theme parks)

3.3 Vocabulary

The things that attract tourists to a particular country can be divided into different groups. Fill in each column in the Table 2 with the words below:

Table 2


Natural features

Built attractions


Food, drink, and entertainment



rainy, cathedral, beach, sunny, desert, museum, train, hotel, restaurant, carnival, plane, motel, bar, folk dance, harbor, music festival, campsite, castle, damp, metro, nightlife, concert, countryside, waterfall, chilly, art gallery, heritage, temperature, coastline.

Can you think of any other words to add to the table?
3.4 Complete the sentences using the words above:

1) I don’t really like the city. I prefer to live in the …

2) There aren’t many beaches on the island. The … is mainly rocky with steep cliffs.

3) The Netherlands has a … climate, with mild winters and cool summers.

4) These beautiful old churches are part of our national ….

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